Current Year Cruises

Included here are current (year) cruise routes were the leader has provided the turn by turn directions.


Please see Selected Cruise Routes for a historical collection of cruise routes.

Aug 14
CJCC Wednesday Night Cruise - August 14,[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [218.9 KB]
Jun 22 Covered Bridge Tour
Cruise 6-22-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [29.9 KB]
May 10th Rivers and Reservoir
Rivers Rservoir.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [41.5 KB]
Rich B. First Wed Cruise - June 7
June 7th Cruise.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [16.2 KB]
July 5th Wednesday Cruise
Turn by Turn Directions Corvette Cruise [...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [11.9 KB]