The Central Jersey Corvette Club, Inc. (CJCC) is not affiliated with General Motors or Chevrolet. The Corvette logo, crossed flags distinctive design, Corvette emblems and any other mark or design, is trademark or copyright of General Motors or Chevrolet. No trademark or copyright infringement is intended. Any mark, photo, or other item listed in this website was obtained from public materials, or produced by Club members or used by permission by the trademark or copyright holder. All other items are copyright 1997-2019 CJCC.
If you have issue with any information contained in this web site please e-mail the Club at
Entry into this web site is covered by our terms and conditions. Your use of this web site indicates compliance. No warranty of any kind is either expressed or implied on any of information posted here.
Attendance at any Club function or event is at your own risk.
The CJCC assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any liability of any
kind to you, your passengers or your vehicle.
The CJCC considers it's members' personal information private. The CJCC, its officers, and this WEB site have taken measures to keep your personal information private. With the exception of the secure member's area on this WEB site, we do not publish any personally identifiable information on our members. This information is never provided to anyone outside the club without the express permission of the members of the CJCC.
If there is any information posted on this WEB site of a member that a member finds objectionable or incorrect, please notify any officer or the Webmaster directly.
Copyright 2012 GM. Taken from the 2012 Corvette catalog.